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岐阜県岐阜市六条北2丁目13‐11 3階
post code 5008359
Rokujo Minami 2-13-11 Gifu Shi Gifu Japan
海外団体法人 USA 337850085
注意 日本国とは別法人
​目的項目変更 13

Registration by the Japanese Ministry of Justice


All history items certificate

Company corporate number etc  2000-05-012581


General Association Sorceress World Kyokushin-kai Karate Federation

(Main office)

2-23 Kauran O-kid Park West Bldg. 3F gifu Gifu JAPN

General Association Sorceress World Kyokushin-kai Karate Federation

How to publish a corporation | Post it in the official gazette.

Date of incorporation 1 Heisei 28 December 8


the purpose

This corporation WORLD KYOKUSHIN-KAI KARATE ORGANIZATION (USA 337850085) is shihan Mr. ROGER LESOURD and Oyama Masutatsu Establishment in 1959.

Afterwards, 2nd SOKE ANDREY COULOMBE was handed over correctly for SEISHIN IWASHITA. Old age and young lady Regardless of domestic and foreign countries We widely engage in activities related to the spread of KYOKUSHIN-KAI KARTE DO for society, We will train young people and contribute to society. And Deepen international exchange Understanding each other beyond the race, thought, religion, culture difference. We make aim to contribute to world peace.

1. Promotion of World Kyokushin Kai Karate Organization/Federation, Public Relations Business

2. Management of Domestic and International Dojo in the World Kyokushin Kai Karate Organization/Federation

3. International competition, domestic competition, training camp seminars, research classes, etc. on World Kyokushin Kai Karate Organization/Federation

4. International exchange project through World Kyokushin Kai Karate Organization/Federation

5. Grants and awards on world kyokushin kai Karate organization

6. kyokushin Karate Instructor's . Development of accreditation professor, arts and certification on qualification

7. Hosting promotion and promotion review

8. Member Certificate, Promotion, Ascending Publication

9. Production, dissemination and enlightenment of publications concerning World Kyokushin Kai Karate Organization

10. Martial arts guidance stamps

11. Product development and sales related to the World Kyokushin Kai Karate Organization/Federation and the World Seishin kaikan Karate Federation

12.Operation of  7SAMURAI DOJO  (Seven Sarai Ride Field)

13. Outsourcing business of Ms. Success Co., Ltd.

14. World Seishin Kaikan Karate Federation Management

15. Penetration Spread the martial arts and manage all activities and scholarship school activities

16 Training of private security

17. Trade business

18. Sales of special products and foods

19. All operations incidental to each of the above items


Matters of officers

President   kancho SEISHIN IWASHITA

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