【一般壮年女子】 昇級 基 準- 覧
移動 前屈立ち→①中段追い突き2中段逆突き3前蹴上げ組み手の構えで→ の中段前蹴り5上段回し蹴り
基本 立ち方、姿勢を崩きさずに動作できているか
型 太極(たいきょく) I 妃技太極 そくぎたいきょく) I
組手 1分 IR (正しく構える)
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ20回以上
柔軟 開脚して前伏
筆記 道場訓を書く
オレンジ帯 10級・9級
筆記 道場訓の意味
基本 正しい形で動作が出来ているか
移動 前屈立ち→①正拳中段追い突き②正拳中段五本突き③上段受け逆突き④外受け逆突き⑤内受け逆突き⑥後屈立ち内受け組手の構え一の前蹴り本蹴り⑧上段回し蹴り三本蹴り
型 太極たいきょく)II I 足技太極 そくぎたいきょく)II I 及び無級の型
組手 1分2R 受け手技と足技のバランス
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ30回以上
柔軟 開脚して前伏
青帯 8級 7級
基本 技の意味を理解して行っているか どの部位でどのように打っているか
移動 ①前屈立ちでの移動稽古連純動作後退下がっての動作)②後屈立ち手刀回し受け ②後屈立ち手刀回し受け③組み太の構えで蹴りの移動稽古
型 平安びんあん)I II 及び9級までの型を全て
組手 1分 2R 受けと攻撃のバランス、 メリハリ
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ35回以上
柔軟 開脚して前伏
筆記 極真の精神,三合点
黄帯 6級
筆記 極真空手創始者大山倍達総裁について 武道とスポーツの違い
基本 腰を入れて力強く打っ半身を切る
移動 蹴りの移動稽古
型 平安 びんあん) II 安三 やんつー)及び7級までの型を全て
組手 1分2R侵け返し技の的確性
基礎体力 逆立ち1分
柔軟 開脚して前伏
黄帯 5級
筆記 極真の精神基本稽古の意識
基本 腰を入れて力強く打っ 半身を切る
移動 蹴りの移動稽古
型 平安 びんあん)IV 突きの型 及び6級までの型を全て
組手 1分 2R 受け返しと技の的確性)
基礎体力 逆立ち1分
柔軟 開脚して前伏
緑帯 4級
筆記 大山倍達語録租手の三大要素
基本 技の級急力の強弱
移動 ①前屈立ち回転移動稽古2後屈立ち回転移動稽古
型 平安(びんあん) V 平安1裏及び級までの型を全て
組手 2分3R ロンビネーション·スタミナ
基礎体力 逆立ち1分30秒
柔軟 開脚して前伏
带研 4級昇級後から受審日までに最低回の参加がある事
緑帯 3級
筆記 大山倍達語録理想の空手)
基本 技の級急力の強弱
移動 ①前屈立ち回転移動稽古②後屈立ち回転移動稽古
型 平安Ⅱ裏1裏擊碎大 及び4級までの型を全て
組手 1分3R 得意技を軸にした戦術·スタミナ
基礎体力 逆立ち1分30秒
柔軟 開脚して前伏
带研 受審日までの直前6ヶ月間に回以上の参加がある事
茶帯 2級
筆記 大山倍達座右銘
基本 全身を有効に使って技を行う号令が出来る
移動 ①前屈立ち回転移動稽古2後屈立ち回転移動稽古
型 平安IV裏三戦擊碎小 及び級までの型を全て
組手 5人組手
基礎体力柔軟 逆立ち1分30秒 開卿して前伏
带研 受審日までの直前1年間に4回以上の参加がある事
【少年部】 昇 級基準
白帯 無級
基本 拳の握り、引き手、 元気よく、 技の名前を覚える。
筆記 道場訓を書く(ひらがなが入っても可)
移動 三戦立ち、回し受け、正拳突き裏拳の技4種、正拳アゴ打ち、前蹴上げ、ヒザ蹴り、金的蹴り前屈立ちでの突き、運足、すり足、 動く時に上体がフラフラしない
前屈立ちの立ち方慢を落とす 運足すり足)、 拳の握り引き手 前蹴上げ前蹴り
型 なし ※型審査を行わない分、 移動格古において気合い前屈立ち拳の握り引き手に重点を置く
組手 1分 IR 相手をしっかり見る、正しく構える、さがらない)
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ 目標15回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
オレンジ帯 10級
基本 技の意味を理解する自分のどこで相手のどこを…)上体の姿勢よく、 手足の正確な運び手刀5種、 前蹴り、回し蹴り、内回し蹴り、外回し蹴り
移動 前屈立ちの蹴り、運足、すり足、 蹴りの時に上体がフラフラしない、後屈立ち内受け
型 太極(たいきょく)I ·I
組手 1分 受け手技と足技のバランス
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ 目標20回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
オレンジ帯 9級
基本 技の意味を理解する自分のどこで相手のどこを…) 上体の姿勢よく、 手足の正確な運び手刀5種、前蹴り、回し戦り、内回し蹴り、外回し蹴り
移動 前屈立ちの蹴り、運足、 すり足、 蹴りの時に上体がフラフラしない、 後屈立ち内受け
型 太極(たいきょく)Ⅱ
組手 (1分受け手技と足技のバランス)
拳立て伏せ 目標20回)
柔軟 開脚して前伏
青帯 8級
基本 受け5種、横蹴上げ、横蹴り、関節蹴り、後ろ蹴り、騎馬立ち下突き強骨 射打ち)移動 後屈立ち手刀回し受け、組手の構えで蹴り
型 平安(びんあん)I 及び級までの型を全て
組手 1分受けと攻撃のバランス、メリハリ
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ 25回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
青帯 7級
基本 受け5種、横蹴上げ、横蹴り、関節蹴り、後ろ蹴り、騎馬立ち下突き強骨 射打ち)動
型 平安 びんあん)Ⅱ及び級までの型を全て
組手 (受け手技と足技のバランス)
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ 25回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
黄帯 6級
基本 腰を入れて力強く打つ
移動 騎馬立ちで足刀の蹴り、掛足立ちを正確に
型 平安(びんあん)Ⅲ 及び級までの型を全て
組手 1分 (受け返しと技の的確性)
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ 目標30回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
黄帯 5級
型 平安(びんあん)Ⅳ 及び級までの型を全て
組手 1分 (受け返しと技の的確性)
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ目標35回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
基本 腰を入れて力強く、 受け技の時は半身を切る
移動 騎馬立ちで足刀の蹴り、掛足立ちを正確に
緑帯 4級
基本 力の強弱
型 平安(びんあん)Ⅴ 及び級までの型を全て
組手 1分 得意技を軸にした戦術
基礎体力 (拳立て伏せ 40回)
柔軟 開脚して前伏
移動 三戦立ち、回転回U蹴り、後ろ回し蹴り、後ろ蹴り、五本蹴り
緑帯 3級
型 安三やんつー)及び級までの型を全て
組手 1分 得意技を軸にした戦術
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ目標45回
柔軟 開脚して前伏
基本 技の緩急
移動 三戦立ち、 回転回し蹴り、後ろ回し蹴り、後ろ蹴り、五本蹴り
茶帯 2級
型 撃砕大げきさいだい) 及び3級までの型を全て
組手 3人組手
基礎体力 拳立て伏せ
柔軟 開脚して前伏 目標50回
基本 技と呼吸の調和、 号令が出来る
移動 騎馬立ち手技
Promotion Test Requirements for White Belt ( 10 Kyu)
48 Hours = 3 Months
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stances)
Heisoku Dachi, Musubi Dachi, Heiko Dachi, Shizen Dachi (Sotohachiji Dachi), Uchihachiji Dachi, Sanchin Dachi, Moroashi Dachi, Zenkutsu Dachi, Kiba Dachi, Tsuruashi Dachi
(2) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes)
Seiken Chudan Tsuki, Seiken Jodan Tsuki, Seiken Ago Uchi, Seiken Shita Tsuki, Seiken Kagi Tsuki, Hiji Uchi, Uraken Gammen Uchi, Uraken Sayu Uchi, Uraken Hizo Uchi , Uraken Mawashi Uchi, Shuto Gammen Uchi, Shuto Sakotsu Uchi, Shuto Sakotsu Uchikomi, Shuto Hizo Uchi, Shuto Uchi Uchi
(3) Uke (Blocks)
Jodan Uke, Chudan Soto Uke, Chudan Uchi Uke, Gedan Barai, Uchi Uke Gedan Barai
(4) Keri (Kicks)
Mae Keage, Uchimawashi, Sotomawashi, Hiza Geri, Kin Geri, Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri, Yoko Keage, Yoko Geri, Kansetsu Geri, Ushiro Geri
* Ido (Moving Basics)
In Zenkutsu Dachi: Moving forward and backward, Turning---combined with one technique (Tsuki, Keri, Uke)
eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Seiken Oi Tsuki or Gyaku Tsuki
* Kata
Taikyoku Sono Ichi & Ni, Sokugi Taikyoku Sono Ichi
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Head reaches the floor from a seated position with legs open.
* Push-ups: 20
* Jumping Squats: 20
* Hand Stand: 20 seconds (supported by another person)
* Chin-ups: 3
* Jump (Tobi Geri): to a target the level of your own height
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Block only against attack;
Hand block against tsuki / leg block against tsuki / hand block against keri / leg block against keri
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 30 seconds
Criterion: Reigi (Composure, attitude) / Kamae (readiness) / Kiai
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the WKKO Honbu
Promotion Test Requirements for Orange Belt (10 & 9 Kyu)
Kyu 10: 48 Hours = 3 Months / Kyu 9: 48Hours = 3 Months
Basic techniques as for white belt as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stances)
Kokutsu Dachi, Nekoashi Dachi
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kokutsu Dachi (Nekoashi Dachi): Moving forward and backward, Turning
eg: Kokutsu Dachi + Chudan Uchi Uke
Repetition of same technique: eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Seiken Oi Tsuki twice,
Zenkutsu Dachi + Seiken Chudan Sanbon Tsuki
* Kata
Taikyoku Sono San, Sokugi Taikyoku Sono Ni & San
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: same criterion as for white belt, with improvement from that level.
* Push-ups: 30
* Jumping Squats: 30
* Hand Stand: 30 seconds
* Chin-ups: 5
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 10 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Block only against attack;
Hand block against tsuki / leg block against tsuki / hand block against keri / leg block against keri
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 30 seconds
* Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the WKKO Honbu.
Promotion Test Requirements for Blue Belt (8 & 7 Kyu)
Kyu 8: 48 Hours = 3 Months / Kyu 7: 48Hours = 3 Months
Basic techniques as for white & orange belts as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stances)
Kakeashi Dachi
(2) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes)
Tettsui, Nukite, Shotei
(3) Uke (Blocks)
Morote Uke, Mawashi Uke, Shuto Mawashi Uke
(4) Kokyu Ho (Breathing Technique)
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kokutsu Dachi Shuto Mawashi Uke, Enkei Gyaku Tsuki
Sanchin Dachi: Moving forward and backward, Turning --- eg: Sanchin Dachi + Seiken Chudan Gyaku Tsuki
Kiba Dachi: Moving sideways to front & back (Mae Kosa, Ushiro Kosa), Turning --- eg: Kiba Dachi Jun Tsuki, Tettsui
Combination: (Uke and Attack) --- eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Jodan Uke - Seiken Chudan Gyaku Tsuki
Combination (Tsuki and Keri) --- eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Mae Geri Seiken Chudan Tsuki
* Kata
Pinan Sono Ichi & Ni, Sanchin
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Shoulders touch the floor in a seated position with legs open.
* Push-ups: 40
* Jumping Squats: 40
* Hand Stand: 40 seconds
* Chin-ups: 8
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 15 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke Kaeshi (Block and Retaliation);
Opponent attack, Block, Retaliation using a variety of attacks, blocks & reactions. Eg: hand, hand, hand / hand, hand, leg / hand, leg, hand / leg, hand, hand / hand, leg, leg / leg, leg, hand / leg, hand, leg / leg, leg, leg
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the WKKO Honbu.
Promotion Test Requirements for Yellow Belt (6 & 5 Kyu)
Kyu 6: 48 Hours = 3 Months / Kyu 5: 48Hours = 3 Months
Basic techniques as for white through blue belts as well as the following examples:
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes)
Koken Uchi, Haito Uchi, Morote Tsuki
(2) Uke (Blocks)
Koken Uke, Haito Uchi, Jyuji Uke
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kaiten Ido (Spinning) --- eg: Kiba Dachi + Kaiten Tettsui
Dako Ido (45 Degree Angle) --- eg: 45 Degree Kiba Dachi + Gedan Barai
* Kata
Pinan Sono San & Yon, Yantsu, Tsuki No Kata
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Same as for blue belt with notable improvement.
* Push-ups: 50
* Jumping Squats: 50
* Hand Stand: 50 seconds
* Chin-ups: 10
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 20 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke Kaeshi (Block and Retaliation);
Opponent attack, Uke, Retaliation using a variety of attacks, blocks & reactions. Eg: hand, hand, hand / hand, hand, leg / hand, leg, hand / leg, hand, hand / hand, leg, leg / leg, leg, hand / leg, hand, leg / leg, leg, leg
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds * 3 rounds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the WKKO Honbu
Promotion Test Requirements for Green Belt (4 & 3 Kyu)
Kyu 4: 96 Hours = 6 Months / Kyu 3: 96 Hours = 6 Months
Basic techniques as for white through Yellow Belts as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Basic step work in Kumite No Kamae: Okuri Ashi, Fumi Ashi, Kosa, Oiashi (Sagari)
* Kata
Pinan Sono Go, Taikyoku Sono Ichi Ura & Ni Ura & San Ura, Gekisai Dai, Tekki Sono Ichi
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Chest touches the floor in a seated position with legs open.
* Push-ups: 60
* Jumping Squats: 60
* Hand Stand: 60 seconds
* Chin-ups: 12
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 30 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke and Uke Kaeshi combination in Kumite No Kamae, Step work
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds * 5 rounds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi / Rhythm / Combination (Balance between hand techniques and kicks) / Step work
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the WKKO Honbu.
Promotion Test Requirements for Brown Belt (2 & 1 Kyu)
Kyu 2: 96 Hours = 6 Months / Kyu 1: 96 Hours = 6 Months
Basic techniques and terminology as for white through green belts as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kumite No Kamae Step work moving in various angles
* Kata
Pinan Sono Ichi - Go ‘Ura’, Tensho, Saifa, Gekisai Sho, Tekki Sono Ni
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Chest touches the floor in a seated position with legs open.
* Push-ups: 100
* Jumping Squats: 100
* Hand stand: 90 seconds
* Chi- ups: 15
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 30 cm (Tobi Ushiro Geri or Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Geri, right & left)
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke and Uke Kaeshi Combination in Kumite No Kamae, Step work
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds * 10 rounds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi / Rhythm / Combination (Balance between hand technique and kicks) / Stepwork
D) Tameshi Wari
More than the WKKO Tournament Rule Standard
E) Goshin Jitsu (Self-Defense): Basic Movements
F) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the WKKO Honbu.
*Kyu/Dan ranks obtained by YOUTHS aged twelve years old and under are considered “JUNIOR” ranks.
*Youths must re-test for his/her equivalent “Adult” rank after he/she reaches age thirteen years old.
Initial “Adult” Sho Dan (1st Dan) ranks can only be obtained at age fifteen years old or over.
Promotion Test Requirements for Black Belt 1st Dan "Shodan Senpai" / 1 year after Brown Belt
• Excellent Martial Arts Practitioner and Superior example for the students.
• Excellent conditioning exceeding Brown Belt requirements.
• Be a minimum of 15 years.
• Contribution to the WKKO.
• Kata:
1- Seienchin. 2- Garyu. 3- Tekki Sono San. 4- Bassai Dai.
• Gyakute, Self-Defense: Attend an official seminar.
• Free Fighting (Jiyu Kumite):
60 Seconds: 20 rounds.
• Written Examination:
Research About WKKO HONBU.
Promotion Test Requirements for Black Belt 2nd Dan "Nidan-Senpai" / 2 years after 1st Dan
• Excellent conditioning exceeding 1st Dan (Shodan) requirements.
• Consistent contribution to the WKKO.
• Test before Kancho or officials appointed by Kancho.
• Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
• Kata:
Superior and current Kata proficiency including Seipai.
• Free Fighting (Jiyu Kumite):
60 Seconds: 30 rounds
Promotion Test Requirements for Black Belt 3rd Dan "Sandan-Sensei" / 3 years after 2nd Dan
• Recognition as a model citizen and a record of distinguished service within the WKKO.
• Test before Kancho or officials appointed by Kancho.
• WKKO Senior Advisor's formal written recommendation letter for promotion.
• Be a minimum of 21 years of age.
• Kata:
Superior and current Kata proficiency including Kanku.
• Free Fighting (Jiyu Kumite):
60 Seconds: 40 rounds.
Promotion Test Requirements for Black Belt 4th Dan "Yondan-Sensei" / 4 years after 3rd Dan
• Test before Kancho or officials appointed by Kancho.
• Contribute significantly to the promotion of Kyokushin.
• WKKO Senior Advisor's formal written recommendation letter for promotion.
• Be a minimum of 25 years of age.
• Kata:
Exemplary and current Kata mastery including Sushiho.
• Free Fighting (Jiyu Kumite):
60 Seconds: 50 rounds.