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Personal training

(People who are not good at exchanges) (people who want to be strong) (people with different time) etc. have different reasons depending on the person. The instructor will give one-on-one instruction in consideration of such troubles.


​開催者:出張トレーニング・セミナーは一律受講料が( 120分 \1.5000 )と設定されています。尚、県外や海外においての宿泊費(食費を含む)・渡航費(本部から出発した必要経費)は別料金となっていますので希望者方のご負担とご了承下さい。

Organizer: On-site training seminars are set at a flat rate of (120 minutes \ 1.5000). Please note that accommodation expenses (including food expenses) and travel expenses (necessary expenses departed from the headquarters) outside the prefecture and abroad are additional charges so please bear with the applicant.



Experience course


Those who want to experience the seminar abroad (want to interact) will set the fee with a capacity of 8 people.





Group training short course

With group training, we set up a group of 5 people with acquaintances and friends each other and decide on the date of attendance.

The short course will only practice for one hour. Here we will practice focusing on the basics.




Muscle strengthening

Strength training also varies in places where people can train because their age and skeleton differ. Therefore, it is not something to be trained in vain. It is necessary to identify what is important to you. We analyze from karate movement and teach the creation of the body suitable for the individual.





The tournament is free to participate not only in Japan but also overseas. The tournament will deepen exchanges with foreign countries through karate and will be useful for the future as well as for oneself.

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