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World kyokushin kai karate Competition Rules

In Kyokushin Tournament there are five Referees; four corner referees, and one main referee.
In addition to this there is one Head Judge, who is not actively judging during the bout, however,
the final decision rests with the Head Judge.
The time of one bout is three minutes (elimination two minutes), There is a possibility of two extensions, two minutes
each.  If a decision cannot be reached after two extensions, the victory is awarded to the competitor 10 kg lighter. In
case of no weight difference, then number of boards broken at the breaking test (Tameshiwari) becomes a criterion
in awarding the victory.
If their is no difference in neither weight nor number of broken boards, there will be a third extension, after this
extension a decision must be reached.
Victory is awarded to the competitor who has scored one full point (IPPON), who has won by decision (including
half-point (WAZA-ARI), or whose opponent has obtained a foul, or whose opponent has been disqualified.
Any technique (thrust, kick, elbow strike etc.) , excluding the techniques listed as fouls, which vigourously downs the
opponent for more than three seconds, is regarded as a full-point; IPPON.
If the opponent has lost his will to fight for more than three seconds, it will be regarded as a full-point; IPPON
Two half-points ((WAZA-ARI) results in a full-point: IPPON
Any technique (thrust, kick, elbow strike etc.) , excluding the techniques listed as fouls, which downs the opponent
for less than three seconds, after which he stands up and resumes the fight, is regarded as a half-point; WAZA-ARI
If the opponent has lost his will to fight for less than three seconds, after which he continue the fight, it will be
regarded as a half-point; WAZA-ARI
If the opponent has received so much damage that he loses his balance, but does not fall down, it will be regarded
as a half-point; WAZA-ARI
When an opponent is downed with any techniques, including foot sweeps, and well focused, but non-contact and
the this technique is immediately followed by a downward punch, one half-point might be awarded.
HANTEI (Victory by Decision)
When no full-point or disqualification, the decision which is supported by at least three out of the five referees is
Attack with the hand or elbow to the opponent's face or neck. Even a slight touch may result in HANSOKU.
However, making feints to the face is allowed.
KINTEKI-GERI (Groin kick)
ZU-TSUKI (Head Thrust)
TSUKAMI (Grabbing) Whatever reason, to grab the opponent's dogi is not allowed, neither to clinch hands with
each other.
KAKE (Hooking) Grabbing, hooking the opponent's neck, head, shoulders etc.)
OSHI (Pushing) No pushing is allowed not with open hands, closed hands, or with the body, basically it will be
regarded as HANSOKU if you push only with one hand)
Attack whilst leaning the head or body against the opponent.
KAKAEKOMI (hugging) The person that puts his arms around the other one first will be given a foul
Attack from the back
Attack an opponent who is already down.
KAKENIGE (ran away attack) pretend to attack whilst actually running away from the opponent
Running away by repeatedly doing JOGAI (step outside area)
Any action that may be considered as a bad attitude towards the contest
Any other actions that the referees may be regarded as foul.
CHUI ((warning) & GENTEN (Penalty)
A foul is charged with one warning "CHUI ICHI"
Any action that is considered as a deliberate foul, or when severe damages have occurred from a foul, a GENTEN
ICHI (first penalty) may be given directly at the first time.
CHUI NI (two warnings) results in GENTEN ICHI (first penalty) , and GENTEN NI (two penalties) results in
SHIKKAKU (disqualification).

The materials used for the breaking test shall be boards of cryptomerid cedar 33 centimetres (13 inches) long, 21
centimetres (8 inches) wide, and 24 millimeters (0.9 inches) thick. The referees shall check whether the materials
correspond to the standards set up by the International Karate Organisation.
Each competitor shall use four techniques in the breaking test, SEIKEN (fore-fist), SOKUTO (knife-foot), ENPI
(elbow), SHUTO (knife-hand), the total number of broken boards will be the base on which Decision by
Tameshiwari will be made on.
The Boards for the breaking test must be placed across the top of two stable blocks.
Each competitor must break a minimum of three boards. However, he may attempt to break as many boards as he
The cloth on top of the boards shall have been approved of by the referee, and placed on the board by assistants.
The competitors are not allowed to move the blocks, however, they are allowed to measure the distant.
The break is only approved of (KANZUI) if the boards are completely broken in two pieces. If they are only half
broken it will be regarded as failure (SHIPPAI)
In case of SHIPPAI (failure) the competitor is allowed to try again, but the number of boards is limited to only three.
If the competitor fails the second attempt as well, the score of that attempt will be zero.
The TAMESHIWARI test will be held according to the referee's instructions. The time for breaking is set at two
minutes. Overtime is considered as SHIPPAI.
After each break, the competitors shall move two steps counter-clockwise.


Opening the Bout:
REI (Bow): Cross the arms in front of the chest and say "OSU"
SHOMENI-NI-REI: Face the official seat and bow.
SHUSHIN -NI-REI: Face to the main judge and bow.
OTAGAI-NI-REI: Face each other and bow.
KAMAETE: Take fighting stance
HAJIME: Start the bout

During the Bout:
YAME: Stop the bout immediately.
KAMAETE: After stopping the bout take fighting stance again.
ZOKKO: Start again the about
ZOKKO: Attack (When the competitors do not fight because of looking at each other)
SHIRO: White, First competitor entering the arena
AKA: Red, Second competitor entering the arena.

GANMEN-KOGEKI: Attacking the face with the hand or elbow or GANMEN
TSUKAMI: Grasping the dogi
SHOTEI-OSHI: Pushing the opponent with open hands or SHUTO
KINTEKI-KOGEKI: Kick to the groin.
ZUTSUKI: Head thrust

CHUI-ICHI: First warning
CHUI-NI: Second warning. This constitutes a penalty
GENTEN-ICHI: First penalty
GENTEN-NI: Second penalty. This actually constitutes disqualification. the main judge says "GENTEN-NI,

Declaration of Fouls

The main judge decides the competitor who made the foul as Aka or Shiro and he declares the foul, and its nature.
The competitor who committed the foul has to say "OSU" when hearing the main judge's declaration.

Full point and Half Point:
IPPON: The declaration of IPPON entails the victory. The main judge designates the competitor as AKA or SHIRO
and declares "IPPON"

WAZA-ARI: Effective attack which damages the opponent, but not to the same extent as an IPPON. WAZA-ARI is
declared in the same way as IPPON


When no clear full-point has been scored, the victory is awarded by decision, the procedure of decision is as follows:

YAME: Stop the bout
SHOMEN-NI-MUITE: Face the front
HANTEI-O-ONEGAISHIMASU: The main judge asks the decision of the corner referees.
HANTEI: When hearing this, the corner referees must use the flags to show their decision.
SHIRO: White
AKA: Red
The corner referees raise the flag having the same colour as whom they consider to be the winner
ICHI: One flag
NI: Two flags
SAN: Three flags
SHI: Four flags
SHUSHIN, AKA/SHIRO: Decision of the main judge. The main judge counts the number of flags and says his

In this case "SHIRO" wins 4 to 0

Declaration of Decision:
The Main Judge counts the number of flags, and says his own decision. At the same time he points obliquely with
his hand to the winner. In case of a draw, he crosses obliquely downwards his hands.

The main judge declares the victory. Then follow the same procedure as the opening of the bout:

After bowing to each other, competitors shake hands and leave the area from their corner

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